quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008

EU grants advanced status to Morocco

The European Union has granted Morocco advanced status on deepening ties and cooperation in Rabat yesterday, Foreign Minister, Taib Fassi Fihri announced.

Morocco, which has insisted on the inclusion of the Maghreb dimension during the Advanced Status negotiations with the EU, said the Maghreban integration is critical for economic growth and human development.

However, Morocco which has annexed Western Sahara territory since 1976 saw Western Sahara appealing to the EU not to grant Advanced Status to Morocco unless occupied part of Western Sahara is excluded from cooperation agreement.

Minister Fassi Fihri said advanced status of Morocco is expected to be the suitable response to the regional challenges that take place in the Mediterranean shores.

According to national news agency, MAP, Morocco is convinced that the achievement of the Union for the Mediterranean Initiative (UPM) will help build in the Mediterranean a coherent and united geopolitical block, and launch an innovative regional dynamic.

Economist, and former Finance Minister, Fathallah Oualalou said the Advanced Status is a legitimate response to the reforms undertaken by the Kingdom at the political, economic, and social levels, saying the reforms have enabled Morocco to measure up to the international and European norms.

"The Advanced Status represents a starting point towards all the upcoming reforms as well as a new era of cooperation," Mr Oualalou said.

In November Western Sahara issued a petition letter to the EU, saying if the EU would grant Advanced Status to Morocco and its occupation in Western Sahara, it would be a clear indication of its support to Moroccan annexation of the territory.

Morocco's annexation of Western Sahara has been a cause for concern and a feud on its neighbours and the country's main militant group, Polissario which claims to be fighting for its independence from Morocco.

Polisario waged a low-level guerrilla war in Western Sahara from 1975 until 1991, when United Nations brokered a ceasefire. The territory remains divided and many Sahara refugees live in camps in Algeria.

Both Morocco and Polisario are increasingly frustrated about the status quo. Polisario has been promised a referendum over independence since 1991, but Moroccan regime had squashed all hopes of such a solution.

terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2008

Le président de la République avertit des dangers du "statu avancé" accordé par l’UE au Maroc

Torni (Belgique), Le président de la République, Mohamed Abdelaziz a averti, samedi des dangers qui peuvent en découler de l’octroi d’un statu avancé au Maroc par l’Union Européen (UE), au cours d’un point de presse à la ville Torni en Belgique.

Après avoir présenter un exposé sur les développements de la cause du peuple sahraoui, M. Abdelaziz a déclaré que "le but principal de sa visite en Belgique est d’attirer l’attention de l’UE pour que ce statut avancé n’enfermera pas les territoires occupés du Sahara Occidental", ajoutant que "le Maroc voit dans ce privilège une reconnaissance par l’UE à sa colonisation illégale de ces territoires et un encouragement à sa transgression au droit international et aux violations flagrantes des droits humains".

Le président de la République a rappelé que"les Etats-Unis d’Amérique dans leur accord de libre échange avec le Maroc, ils avaient exclus la région du Sahara occidental, car les USA et le Nations Unie considèrent que le Maroc n’a aucune souveraineté sur le territoire".

Il a en outre dénoncé les obstacles imposés par les autorités marocaines devant les efforts de la communauté internationale, partant du refus de la nomination par le SG des Nations Unies du nouveau Envoyé personnel au Sahara occidental, Cristopher Ross, rappelant que"la solution légitime de ce conflit doit passer par l’exercice du peuple sahraoui de son droit inaliénable à l’autodétermination".

M. Abdelaziz a considéré que sa visite s’inscrit sous le but du renforcement des relations d’amitié actuelles et futures entre la RASD et la Belgique, ainsi qu’entre le Grand Maghreb et l’Europe, invitant les responsables et les représentants de la ville de Torni à visiter les territoires libérés du Sahara occidental et les camps des réfugies sahraouis, a-t-il conclut.

sábado, 22 de novembro de 2008

A concessão do Estatuto Avançado a Marrocos deve excluir o Sara Ocidental

Nós, os signatários desta petição, instamos a União Europeia (U.E.) a não conceder o chamado Estatuto Avançado a Marrocos, a menos que a parte ocupada do Sara Ocidental seja especificamente excluída do acordo.
A U.E. e Marrocos estão actualmente em conversações no sentido de aprofundarem os seus laços através desta cooperação mas, até agora, não tem havido qualquer menção nos relatórios das conversações sobre o que tenha sido feito para impedir que o Sara Ocidental ocupado esteja incluído no acordo de cooperação.
Se a U.E. concedesse de facto o Estatuto Avançado ao Sara Ocidental ocupado, através das suas negociações com a potência ocupante, iria dar um lamentável sinal de apoio às reivindicações infundadas de Marrocos sobre o território. Como consequência, a U.E. poderia prejudicar os esforços da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para a descolonização do território.
Queremos salientar que Marrocos continua a ocupar ilegalmente o Sara Ocidental, violando mais de 100 resoluções da ONU, que declaram que o povo Sarauí tem direito à autodeterminação. Várias resoluções apontam para o facto de o Sara Ocidental ser um território ocupado e anexado. Além disso, o Tribunal Internacional de Justiça rejeitou as reivindicações de Marrocos sobre o Sara Ocidental e a ONU considera o problema do Sara Ocidental como uma questão de descolonização.
Por força do direito internacional consuetudinário, a U.E. e os seus Estados membros têm o dever de não reconhecer a anexação ilegal do Sara Ocidental por Marrocos e de apoiar a descolonização do território. É também uma obrigação moral, uma vez que o povo sarauí sofre, quer no exílio, quer sob a grave violação dos direitos humanos cometida pelas forças marroquinas nos territórios ocupados do Sara Ocidental.
A U.E. deve, por isso, certificar-se de forma inequívoca que o Sara Ocidental fique excluído da aplicabilidade territorial do Estatuto Avançado, sem delegar essa responsabilidade a Marrocos.
Se a U.E. fizer tal precisão estará a seguir o exemplo dos Estados Unidos da America, que excluíram especificamente o Sara Ocidental do seu acordo de comércio-livre com Marrocos. Estará também a seguir o seu próprio exemplo, uma vez que excluiu os territórios palestinos do Acordo de Associação U.E.-Israel. Instamos a U.E. a observar estes precedentes e a apoiar o processo de paz da ONU, cumprindo o seu dever de não-reconhecimento.
Nós, os signatários desta petição, não somos, em princípio, contra uma cooperação mais intensa entre a U.E. e Marrocos. No entanto, exigimos que o acordo que saia das conversações sobre o Estatuto Avançado especifique claramente que a sua aplicabilidade não se estenderá para sul da fronteira meridional internacionalmente reconhecida de Marrocos, ou seja, o paralelo 27 ° 40' N.


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à lista de signatários da petição até este momento.

1. ARSO - Association de soutien à un référendum libre et régulier au Sahara Occidental (Association for a fair and free referendum in Western Sahara), Switzerland

2. Kritische Ökologie / ifak e.V.(Critical Ecology / Inst. for Appl. Cultural Research), Germany

3. Solidariteitsgroep Westelijke Sahara (Solidarity Group Western Sahara), Belgium

4. Støttekomiteen for Vest-Sahara (Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara), Norway

5. IPJET - International Platform of Jurists for East Timor

6. Union de Periodistas y Escritores Saharauis (UPES) (Saharawi Journalists' and Writers' Union), Western Sahara

7. BIRDHSO - Bureau International pour le Respect des Droits Humains au Sahara Occidental (International Bureau for the Respect of Human Rights in Western Sahara), Switzerland

8. Stichting Zelfbeschikking West-Sahara (The Netherlands Foundation for Self-determination in Western Sahara), The Netherlands

9. AFAPREDESA (Association of the Families of Saharawi Prisoners and Disappeards), Western Sahara

10. UJS - Union de Juristas Saharauis (Saharawi Jurists Union), Western Sahara

11. WSRW - Western Sahara Resource Watch

12. Tidningen Anti (Political journal), Sweden

13. Drustvo Za Podporo Zahodni Sahari (The Western Sahara Support Society), Slovenia

14. Central and Eastern European Alliance for the Solidarity with the Saharawi People, Hungary

15. IESBAA ELKARTEA - Asociacion de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Aretxabaleta (Assocation of Saharawi Friends from Aretxabaleta - IESBAA), Spain

16. SJJA - Sahara Japan Journalist Association, Japan

17. Association for Sahrawis in Norway, Norway

18. New Internationalist Publications, United Kingdom

19. AARASD - Association des Amis de la RASD (Association of Friends of the RASD), France

20. Stoettekomiteen for Vest Sahara i Danmark (Danish Support Committee for the Saharawi People), Denmark

21. Patchanka, Denmark

22. Western Sahara Campaign UK

23. Observatorio de Derechos Humanos Del Colegio de Abogados de Badajoz, Spain

24. New Zealand Western Sahara Association, New Zealand

25. Ateneo Republicano de Málaga, Spain

26. Club de Amigos de la UNESCO, Spain

27. El Grupo Jaima de Córdoba, Spain

28. Pax Christi Australia, Australia

29. Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Justice and Peace Centre, Australia

30. Sosialistisk Ungdom (Socialist Youth League of Norway), Norway

31. Observatorio Galego para o Sáhara Occidental, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

32. Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat ry (Finnish Peace Committee), Finland

33. Föreningen Västsahara, The Swedish Committee for Western Sahara, Sweden

34. U.S.-Western Sahara Foundation, US

35. Örnsköldsviks FN-förening/Stellan Bäcklund, ordf. (Swedish UN Association, local chapter in Örnsköldsvik), Sweden

36. Solidaritetskommittén vid Jakobsbergs folkhögskola (Solidarity Committee of the Folk High School of Jakobsberg), Sweden

37. SUKS - Schweizerisches Unterstützungskomitee für die Sahraouis (Swiss Supporting Comittee of Sahawi People), Switzerland

38. ACAPS Wilaya Alt Penedès, Spain

39. Tasmania Quaker Peace and Justice Committee, Australia

40. Generación de la Amistad Saharaui (The Friendship Generation), Western Sahara/Spain

41. Lembarki, Spain

42. Asociación Amal-Esperanza de solidaridad con el Pueblo Saharaui (Amal-Hope Association for Solidarity with Saharawi People), Spain

43. Casal La Gallineta from Mollet del Vallès (Catalunya), Spain

44. Tierra Libre, Spain

45. Le Comité Syndical Saharaoui, Western Sahara

46. Partido Impulso Democrático, Spain

47. Asociación Soriana de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui (Saharawi's people friends Asociation.Soria), Spain

48. Arrasateko Sahararen Lagunen Elkartea Nubi, Pais Vasco/ Spain

49. Nihon Saharawi Kyokai (Japan Sahara Association), Japan

50. Asociación de Mujeres Saharauis en España (Saharawi Women Association), Spain

51. Por un referéndum de autodeterminación del Sáhara Occidental, Spain

52. Mouvement Chrétien pour la Paix- Bruxelles, Belgium

53. CCOO (Comisiones Obreras), Spain

54. YALAH - Solidaris amb el Poble Sahrauí, Spain

55. SAHANDREU - Sant Andreu Solidari amb el Poble Sahrauí, Spain

56. Asociación Um Draiga, Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui en Aragón (Association Um Draiga, Friends of the Saharawi people in Aragon), Spain

57. Intergroup on Western Sahara in the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

58. ASPA - Asociación Andaluza por la Solidaridad y la Paz (Andalusian Association for the Solidarity and the Peace), Spain

59. Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de las Islas Baleares (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People in Balearic Islands), Spain

60. AWSA - Australia Western Sahara Association, Australia

61. Confederación Intersindical (STES, SF y STAS), Spain

62. TEPS - Terres de l'Ebre amb el Poble Saharauí Catalunya, Spain

63. Unge Venstre (Young Liberals of Norway), Norway

64. Sosialistiliitto (Socialist Union), Finland

65. A.S.F - L'Assossiation des Saharaoui en France (Association of Saharawi in France), France

66. AISAH - Asociación de Inmigrantes Saharauis de León (Association of Saharawi immigrants of León), Spain

67. Mills Gorman Architects, Australia

68. Juventud Saharaui, Saharawi Refugee Camps

69. Grupo Jaima - Amigos de la RASD (Jaima Group, Friends of the RASD), Spain

70. Asociación Estudiantil Alternativa de la Universidad de Granada, Spain

71. AISOC - Asociación de inmigrantes del Sahara Occidental en Canarias (Association of Saharawi immigrants in the Canary Islands), Western Sahara/Spain

72. Fundación Xaley (Xaley Foundation), Spain

73. Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharahui de Tres Cantos (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People of Tres Cantos), Spain

74. ASVDH - Association Sahraouie des Victimes des Violations Graves des Droits de l'Homme commises par l'Etat du Maroc (Sahrawi Association of Victims of Grave Human Rights Violations commited by the Moroccan State), Western Sahara

75. Club of Independent Journalists supporting Sahrawi People's Right to Self-Determination, Mauritania

76. Stiftelsen Global Kunskap (Global Publications Foundation), Sweden

77. AFASPA - Association française d'Amitié et de solidarité avec les peuples d'Afrique (French association of friendship and solidarity with the peoples of Africa), France

78. Asociación 'Dah Sid Ahmed' de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Getafe (Dah Sid Ahmed, Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, Getafe), Spain

79. Asociación de Ayuda al Pueblo Saharaui "Nuyum" (Association of help to the Saharawi people "Nuyum"), Spain

80. Espacios Europeos, Spain

81. Liberala ungdomsförbundet (Liberal youth), Sweden

82. Liberala studenter (Liberal students), Sweden

83. Festival de Cine Social y de los Derechos Humanos, CINE OTRO, Chile

84. Asociación Asturiana de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui (Asturias Association of friends of the Saharawi People), Spain

85. Venstre (The Liberal Party of Norway), Norway

86. ACAPS - La Llagosta Solidaria, Spain

87. Centerpartiets Ungdomsförbund (Centre Party Youth), Sweden

88. Colectivo de Redacción LQSomos.org, Spain

89. ANSPS - Associazione Nazionale di Solidarietà con il Popolo Sahrawi (National Association of solidarity with Sahrawi People), Italy

90. Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (Society for Threatened Peoples), Germany

91. Emmaus Björkå Association, Sweden

92. CSPRON - Sahrawi Commitee for Support to UN Resolution Plan and for Protection of Natural Resources in Western Sahara, Western Sahara

93. Asociacion de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Avila (Avila Friends of the Saharawui People Asociation), Spain

94. Observatorio Aragones para el Sahara Occidental, Spain

95. Interkulturel Verein Vita, Switzerland

96. Young Socialists, New Zealand

97. Asociación Civil Yakarí - Para la Integración y Participación Ciudadana (Civil Association Yakarí - For Civil Integration and Participation), Spain/Venezuela

98. Fundación Mundubat (OneWorld Foundation), Spain

99. ¿Quien Debe a Quien? (Campaign against External Debt), Spain

100. Österreichisch Saharauische Gesellschaft - ÖSG (Austrian Saharawi Society), Austria

101. Colectivo de la Juventud Saharaui (Collective of the Saharawi Youth), Spain

102. Garrigues, Cooperacio Internacional del Grup cultural Garrigues, Spain

103. Associacio Catalana per al Desenvolupament i la Cooperacio, Spain

104. Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag (Federal Committee Peace Council), Germany

105. AG Friedensforschung an der Universität Kassel (Working group Peace Studies, University of Kassel), Germany

106. Cantabria por el Sahara, Spain

107. Associazione di solidarietà con il Popolo saharawi - Al Awda (Al Awda, Solidarity with Saharawi People), Italy

108. Federación Andaluza de Asociaciones solidarias con el Sahara - FANDAS Sahara (Andalusian Federation of Associations supportive of the Sahara - FANDAS Sahara), Spain

109. Escritores por el Sáhara (Writers for Sahara), Spain

110. CEDEPU - Center of Studies for People's Democracy, Chile

111. Gemeinnützige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit GmbH (GEZA), Austria

112. Foro Social de Granada (Social Forum of Granada), Spain

113. ECOS - Traductores e Intérpretes por la Solidaridad (Translators and Interpretors for Solidarity), Spain

114. Haags Vredesplatform (Peace Platform, The Hague), The Netherlands

115. USO - Unión Sindical Obrera (Syndicate Trade Union), Spain

116. Medico International, Germany

117. Asociación Cultural y Juvenil ADAC Alcalá de Henares (Cultural Youth Association ADAC of Alcalá de Henares), Spain

118. UGT-SARIO, Western Sahara

119. Kulturverein Wechsel e.V., Germany

120. Colectivo Antimilitarista M.O.C. Las Palmas, Spain

121. Algeria-Watch, Germany

122. Vrede vzw, Belgium

123. SODePAZ - Solidaridad para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Solidarity for Development and Peace), Spain

124. Associació Terressaharaui, Spain

125. AASTP - Amics del Sahara de les Terres de Ponent (Friends of the Sahara from Terres de Ponent), Spain

126. Les Amis du Monde Diplomatique en Bélgique (Belgian Friends of Monde Diplomatique), Belgium

127. Asociación de Pequeño Comercio da Pobra do Caramiñal, Spain

128. UNPO - Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation, The Netherlands

129. Transformando - Cooperativa de Initiativa Social, Spain

130. Industri Energi (Trade Union for Industry and Energy), Norway

131. Vlaams Palestina Komitee vzw (Flemish Palestine Committee), Belgium

132. Comité de Soutien au Peuple Sahraoui, Belgium

133. Animo (Animo, Flemish Socialist Youth), Belgium

134. Grön Ungdom Riksorganisationen (Young Greens), Sweden

135. Asociación Cultural Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Castilla y León (Cultural Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, Castilla y León), Spain

136. Unión de Asociaciones Solidarias con el Pueblo Saharaui de Castilla y León (Union of Solidarity Associations with the Saharawi People, Castilla y León), Spain

137. Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Béjar (Friends of the Saharaui People, Béjar), Spain

138. SaharaLibre.es, Spain

139. Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui - Aminetu Haidar de Daganzo (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People), Spain

140. CEAR - Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Spanish Commission for Refugee Help), Spain

141. CAWSA - California Western Sahara Association, United States of America

142. La'o Hamutuk - The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis, East Timor

143. Bir Lehlu - Asociación de Ayuda al Pueblo Saharaui (Association for Help to the Saharawi People), Spain

144. Ayuda Social al Sahara Occidental de Aspe (Social Help to Western Sahara, Aspe), Spain

145. Asociación del Pueblo Saharaui de Águilas (Association for the Saharawi People of Águilas), Spain

146. Africa Contact, Denmark

147. Asociación de Mujeres de Getafe "Manuela Galeote" (Association of Women of Getafe "Manuela Galeote"), Spain

148. Nätverket för Global Fred och Demokrati (Network for Global Peace and Democracy), Sweden

149. MHACASA: Mount Holyoke African and Caribbean Student Association, United States of America

150. Mount Holyoke College International Club, United States of America

151. AFPREDESA-France, France

152. Association des Sahraouis en France (Association of Saharawi in France), France

153. Association des Travailleurs Sahraouis en France (Association of Saharawi Workers in France), France

154. Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Guadalajara (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, Guadalajara), Spain

155. Association Solidarité Enfants Sahraouis (Association for Solidarity with Saharawi Children), France

156. CODESA (Collective of Human Rights Defenders in Western Sahara), Western Sahara

157. COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions), South Africa

158. Asociación Leganes con el Pueblo Saharaui, Spain

159. Ireland Timor-Leste Association, Ireland

160. UMMA - Mount Holyoke College Muslim Students Association, United States of America

161. Asociación Grupo Scout 217 Matterhorn (Group Scout 217 Matterhorn Association), Spain

162. Cultural Canary Great Angular Association (Asociación Cultural Canaria Gran Angular), Spain

163. UJCE - Unión de Juventudes Comunistas de España (Comunist Youth Union of Spain), Spain

164. SAN - Seeds Action Network, Germany

165. Tidskriften Västsahara, Sweden

166. Asociación de Amigos y amigas del Pueblo Saharaui de Villafranca de los Barros- Badajoz (Association of Friends of the Sahrawi People - Villafranca de los Barros - Badajoz.), Spain

167. United World Organization, United States of America

168. CEAS - Sahara, Coordinadora de Asociaciones Solidarias con el Sáhara, Spain

169. AISOC - Association of people from Wester Sahara in Gran Canaria, Spain

170. Acaps-Anoia Associació Catalana d'Amics del Poble Sahraui, secció Anoia (Catalan Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, section Anoia), Spain

171. Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Alcalá de Henares (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People of Alcalá de HGenares), Spain

172. ACAPS - Associació Catalana d' Amics del Poble Sahrauí (Catalan Association of Friends of the Saharawi People), Spain

173. Verein Freunde des Sahrauischen Volkes Basel (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, Basel), Switzerland

174. Madison-Ainaro Sister-City Alliance, United States of America

175. Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Alcobendas y San Sebastián de los Reyes (Association of Friends of the Saharaui People of Alcebendas and San Sebastián de los Reyes), Spain

176. Dobrodelno društvo Tibet (Charitable society Tibet), Slovenia

177. Asociación Cultural Artegalia (Cultural Association Artegalia), Spain

178. DCLIC, Asociación Colectivo de Difusión y Creación Cultural (Cultural Creation and Difussion Ass.), Spain

179. Asociación de Amigos y Amigas de la RASD de Álava (Association of Friends of the RASD, Álava), Spain

180. African National Congress Youth League, South Africa

181. SKV - svenska kvinnors vänsterförbund (The Left Federation of Swedish Women), Sweden

182. La Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Mora y Comarca (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People of Mora and Comarca), Spain

183. Coordinadora Regional de Asociaciones Solidarias con el Pueblo Saharaui de Castilla La Mancha (Regional Coordination of Solidarity Associations for the Saharawi People of Castilla La Mancha), Spain

184. Associazione El Ouali Bologna per la Libertàdel Sahara Occidentale (Association El Ouali Bologna for the Western Sahara's freedom), Italy

185. Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação (Portuguese Council for Peace and Co-operation), Portugal

186. CORELSO - Comité pour le respect des libertés et des droits humains au Sahara occidental (Committee for the Respect of liberties and human rights in Western Sahara), France

187. Rødt (The political party Red), Norway

188. Rode Morgen (Red Morning), The Netherlands

189. Partido Ecologistica - Os Verdes (Green party), Portugal

190. A Ecolojovem - Os Verdes, Portugal

191. Puente Humano (Human Bridge), Spain

192. Organisation française pour la solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui (French Organization for Solidarity with the Saharawi people), France

193. Juventud Comunista de España (marxista-leninista) (Communist Youth of Spain - Marxist-Leninist), Spain

194. Socialist Alliance, Australia

195. Kristdemokratiska Studentförbundet (Christian Democratic Student Union), Sweden

196. Asociación Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui del Campo de Gibraltar "Solidaridad" (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People of Campo de Gibraltar "Solidaridad"), Spain

197. BastA!, Basels starke Alternative (Bast!A, Basel's Strong Alternative), Switzerland

198. CGTP-IN Confederação Geral dos trabalhadores Portugueses- Intersindical Nacional (General Confederation of Portuguese Workers), Portugal

199. Africa Action, United States

200. Solidar, Belgium

201. Comunicadores por la Paz (Communicators for Peace), Spain

202. CLSPS - Comité Limousin de Solidarité avec le Peuple Sahraoui (Solidarity Committee for the Saharawi People of Limoges), France

203. Asociación "Alcorcón por el Pueblo Saharaui" ("Alcorcón for Saharawi People"), Spain

204. Vänsterpartiet (Left Party) Sweden

205. MDM - Movimento Democrático de Mulheres (Democratic Women's Movement), Portugal

206. Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Cieza (People of the Sahara's friends from Cieza Association), Spain

207. Iniciativas de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo - ICID ( Initiatives of International Development Cooperation), Spain

208. Unión, Progreso y Democracia (Union, Progress and Democracy), Spain

209. Ung Vänster (Young Left), Sweden

210. Aula de Solidaridad de la Universidad de la Laguna, Spain

211. Anti-Racist Front, Portugal

212. S-kvinnor (Socialdemocratic women), Sweden

213. CSDDHSSO - Commission Sahraoui de Defenseurs des Droits humains de Smara, Sahara Occidental, Western Sahara

214. Almada Pela Paz - Comissão de Paz do CPPC (Almada For Peace - Local Peace Comission of Portuguese Council For Peace and Co-operation), Portugal

215. USL - União dos Sindicatos de Lisboa (Lisbon Trade Unions), Portugal

216. SNTCT (National Trade Union of Postal and Telecommunication Workers), Portugal

217. Initiative Eine Welt e.V. (Initiative One World), Germany

218. STIENC - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores das Industrias Eléctricas do Norte (Northern Trade Union of Electrical Industry Workers), Portugal

219. INAMO e.V. - Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten e.V. (Project Information about Near and Middle East), Germany

220. Senterungdommen (Centre Party Youth), Norway

221. United States Peace Council, United States of America

222. Seixal Peace Comission of Portuguese Council for Peace and Co-operation, Portugal

223. Norsk Målungdom (Norwegian Language Youth), Norway

224. Heinrich-Barth-Institut für Archäologie und Umweltgeschichte Afrikas e.V. (Heinrich Barth Institute for African Archaeology and Environmental History), Germany

225. CODAPSO - Comite de Défense de l'Autodétermination du Peuple du Sahara Occidental (Committee for the Defense of Self-determination of the Saharawi People), Western Sahara

226. RESISTIR Info, Portugal

227. District Trades Council in Ytre Sogn (the local organization of Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions), Norway

228. MURPI - Movimento Unitário Reformados Pensionistas Idosos, Portugal

229. Zentrum für Europäische und Orientalische Kultur e.V. (Centre for European and Oriental Culture), Germany

230. DROP - Do Remember Other People, Norway

231. SAFUGE, Save the Future Generation, Norway/Sierra Leone

232. The Tree of Hope, Thailand

233. Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria (Cultural Centre Canary Islands), Spain

234. Coordinadora de Pueblos y Barrios (Coordination of Peoples and Neighbourhoods), Spain

235. Unión Ciudadana (Citizen Union), Spain

236. Radio San Borondón, Spain

237. ACEP – Associação para a Cooperação Entre os Povos (Association for Cooperation Between People), Portugal

238. STRUP - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Transportes Rodoviários e Urbanos de Portugal (Portuguese Trade Union of Roads and Urban Transport Workers), Portugal

240. Associazione "Bambini + Diritti", Italy

241. Ayuntamiento de Telde, Las Palmas (Telde City Council, Las Palmas), Spain

242. Associazione Culturale e Solidale Crescere Insieme, Italy

243. União dos Sindicatos do Porto (Porto Trade Unions' Union), Portugal

244. Consejo Español en Defensa de la Solidaridad y la Paz CEDESPAZ (Spanish Council in Defense of Solidarity and Peace), Spain

245. Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Indústria de Hotelaria, Turismo, Restaurantes e Similares do Norte (Northern Trade Union of Workers in Hotels, Tourism, Restaurants and other), Portugal

246. Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Pesca do Norte (Northern Trade Union of Fisheries Workers), Portugal

247. Saheb Associazione Culturale e Solidale, Italy

248. Volkshilfe Österreich (People’s Aid Austria), Austria

249. Rød Ungdom (Red Youth), Norway

250. IDEAS - Iniciativas de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria (Initiatives of Alternative Economy and Solidarity), Spain

251. Asociación Pro Niños Saharauis (Pro Saharaui Children Association), Spain

252. FESAHT - Federação dos Sindicatos de Agricultura, Alimentação, Hoteleria e Turismo de Portugal, Portugal

253. Asociacion la Jaima solidaridad con el pueblo saharauis, Spain

254. Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF) (Norwegian Labour Youth), Norway

255. ASOVESSA - Asociación Venezolana de Solidaridad con el Sahara (Venezuelan Association for Solidarity with the Sahara), Venezuela

256. Asociación para Conocer y Proteger la Naturaleza Munigua (Association to Know and to Protect the Nature Munigua), Spain

257. Centerstudenter, Sweden

258. Emmaus Stockholm, Sweden

259. Asociación hispano-saharaui Resistencia Sumud (Association Spain - Saharawi Resistance Sumud), Spain

260. Asociación Villena con el Pueblo Saharaui Desierto La Hamada (Villena Association for the Saharawi People, Hamada Desert), Spain

261. Soldepaz Pachakuti, Spain

262. AMPUSASA - Asociación de Amigos del pueblo Saharaui de Salamanca (Association of Friends of the Saharawi People, Salamanca), Spain

263. Associazione di Solidarieta con il Popolo Saharawi "Kalama" (Association in solidarity with the Saharawi People "Kalama") , Italy

264. Kristna Studentrörelsen i Sverige (Student Christian Movement in Sweden), Sweden

265. Asociación Dajla, Solidarios con el Pueblo Saharaui (Association Dajla, Solidary with the Saharawi People), Spain

266. Asociación Riojana de Amig@s de la RASD (Association La Rioja od Friends of the RASD), Spain

267. Brödet & Fiskarna (The Bread and Fishes Foundation), Sweden

268. Asociación Cultural S.A.X. (Somos Anti Xenofobia) (Cultural Association "We are Against Xenophobia), Spain

269. CIDAC - Centro de Informação e Documentação Amílcar Cabral (Information and Documentation Centre Amílcar Cabral), Portugal

270. CAC 38 - Collectif pour une Alternative Citoyenne 38 (Collectif for an Alternative Citizenship), France

271. "Vue d'ailleurs" ("Seen elsewhere"), France

272. DU.SO - Dulces Sonrisas sin fronteras (Sweet Smiles without Borders), Spain

273. Centro de Estudios Imazighen de Canarias - Tamusni (Center of Imazighen Studies - Canary Islands - Tamusni), Spain

274. Children of Mexico, The Netherlands

275. Area Paz y Antiglobalización de Ben Magec, Ecologistas en Acción (Peace and Antiglobalization Area, Ben Magec, Ecologistas en Acción), Spain

276. Club Atletismo Mahit, Spain

277. Asociación Solidaridad Jarrera con el Pueblo Saharaui, Spain

278. Kvinnor för fred (Women for peace), Sweden

279. The International Club of Mt. Holyoke College, United States of America

280. Advocacy Project, Chapter at Mt. Holyoke College, United States of America

281. UB Sahrawi, Spain

282. ECOTERRA Intl., Germany

283. SINQUIFA - Trade Union of the workers of chemical, pharmaceutical, oil and gas of center, south and islands -Portugal

284. Echo Echanges, France/Japan

285. ACSPS - Asociación Canaria de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Saharaui (Asociation of Solidarity with the Saharawi People), Spain

286. Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya (IDHC) (Institute of Human Rights, Catalunya), Spain

287. Associacio Catalana de Juristas Democrates (ACJD) (Catalan Association of Democratic Jurists), Spain

288. Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt e.V. (ASW), Africa Desk (Action for World Solidarity, Africa Desk), Germany

289. Snail Aid - Technology for Development, Italy

290. Kristna Fredsrörelsen (KrF) (Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation - SweFOR), Sweden

291. Solidaridad Vedruna - SOLIVE (Solidarity Vedruna), Spain

292. "Heart the Kids", Wellesley College Boston, United States of America

293. Izquierda Unida Canarias (United Left, Canary Islands), Spain

294. Muixeranga de la Safor, Spain

295. Socialistisk Ungdomsfront (Socialist Youth Front), Denmark

296. Organisation française pour la Solidarité avec le Peuple Sahraoui (OF2PS) (French Organization for Solidarity with the Saharawi people), France

297. Asociación Andaluza por la Solidaridad y la Paz (ASPA) (Andalusian Association for the Solidarity and the Peace), Spain

298. Asociación Socio-Cultural Asamblea de Mujeres de Ermua, Spain

299. Asociación Canaria de Amistad con el Pueblo Saharaui (ACAPS), Spain

300. Afrikagrupperna (Africa Groups), Sweden

301. Asociación "Amanecer en el Sáhara", Spain

302. Federación Provincial de Huelva de Asociaciones Solidarias con el Sáhara, Spain

303. Kristelig Folkepartis Ungdom (Norwegian Christian Democrat Youth), Norway

304. Comité Português de Solidariedade com o Sara Ocidental (Portuguese Support Committee for Western Sahara), Portugal

305. Federación Estatal de Instituciones Solidarias con el Pueblo Saharaui (FEDISSAH), Spain

306. Red Tercera Vía (Third Way Network), Spain

307. Asociación Navarra Amigos del Sahara (A.N.A.S), Spain

308. PdCI (Party of Italian Communists), Italy

309. Jaleo Radioacción Colectiva, Spain

310. Survie, France

311. Círculo Solidario Euskadi, Spain

312. "Ateneo Cultural 14 de Abril", Spain

313. Coordinadora "27 de Febrero" Euskadi-Sahara (Coordination "27 February" Basq Country-Sahara), Spain

314. Asociación Navarra de Amigos y Amigas de la RASD (ANARASD) (Association of Friends of the RASD), Spain

315. Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund / ÖGB (Austrian Trade Union Federation), Austria

316. Alternativa Sí se puede por Tenerife, Spain

317. STEC-STAC - Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Enseñanza de Cantabria y Sindicato de Trabajadores Asamblearios de Cantabria (Education Workers Trade Union of Cantabria and Assembly Workers Trade Union of Cantabria), Spain

318. Acercándonos (Aproaching us), Spain

319. Asociación Canaria de Enséñantes por la Paz y la Solidaridad, Spain

320. Red Canaria de Escuelas Solidarias, Spain

321. Kommittén för Västsaharas Kvinnor (Committee for Western sahara Women), Sweden

322. Association Tracto’Dak, France

323. Asociación Cultural Poetico Teatro, Spain

324. Associació Comarcal d’Ajuda al Poble Sahrauí, ACAPS “la Safor”, Spain

325. SERSO - Servicio de Solidaridad de Euskalherria, Spain

326. Col·lectiu local del Bloc Nacionalista Valencià de Gandia (la Safor) (Collective of local Valencian Nationalist Bloc Gandia (la Safor), Spain

327. USAM – (União dos Sindicatos da Região Autónoma da Madeira), Portugal

328. Praktisk Solidaritet, Sweden

329. Federació d'associacions de Solidaritat amb el Poble Saharaui del País Valencia, Spain

330. "Valencia-Dakar", Spain

331. Menschen und Toleranz (MuT) (Men and Tolerance), Germany

332. "associazione culturale giovanile Scianus", Italy

333. Regüelta (Riot), Spain

334. Partit Comunista del Poble de Catalunya (Communist Party of the People of Catalunya), Spain

335. Coordinadora Safor Valldigna pel Valencià, Spain

336. Grup de Treball Xucurruc, Spain

337. MRP Escola d'Estiu Marina Safor, Spain

338. ONG Mestres que fan escola, Spain

339. Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía (Trade Union of Journalists of Andalucia), Spain

340. Vereinigung Schweiz-Cuba/Asociacion Suiza-Cuba/Association Suisse-Cuba/Associazione Svizzera-Cuba (Association Switzerland-Cuba), Switzerland

341. Asociacion de hermanamiento con el pueblo saharaui de Alzira ( Twin Town with the village Saharaui of Alzira ), Spain

342. Ajuntament Santa Margalida (Municipality of Santa Margalida), Spain

343. Asociacion Contamos Todos (Association We All Count), Spain

344. Asociación Juvenil de Cañada Rosal (Sevilla) "Plataforma Joven" (Youth platform of Cañada Rosal, Sevilla), Spain

345. Raftostiftelsen (The Rafto Foundation), Norway

346. Associazione di Solidarietà con il Popolo Saharawi "KABARA LAGDAF" (Association of Solidarity with the Saharawi People "KABARA LAGDAF"), Italy

347. "Hangetsu", Spain

348. SSU - Sveriges Socialdemokratiska ungdomsförbund (Swedish Social Democratic Youth League), Sweden

349. The World Federation of Trade Unions

350. Fotofeeling, Spain

351. War on Want, United Kingdom

352. Nätverk för ett nytt Irak, Sweden

353. Coruña Liberal, Spain

354. Federación UNEGA - Unión de Estudiantes de Galicia (Galician students United), Spain

355. Amnesty International group at the Red Cross Nordic United World College, Norway

356. Foro Liberal (Liberal Forum), Spain

357. Kansainvälinen solidaarisuussäätiö (International Solidarity Foundation ISF), Finland

358. Hilfe für saharawische Flüchtlingskinder e.V. (Welfare assoziation for Saharawi refugee children), Germany

359. Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Nordhausen e.V. (Workerswelfare District Branch Nordhausen), Germany

360. Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands - Kreisverband Nordhausen (Socialdemocratic Party of Germany - District Branch Nordhausen), Germany

361. Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands - Ortsverein Bleicherode (Socialdemocratic Party of Germany - Local Branch Bleicherode), Germany

362. Asociación de Antiguas Alumnas del Centro de Promoción de la Mujer de Ermua-Bizkaia, Spain

363. Vindeiros, Asociación de Estudiantes de Historia, Arte y Geografía de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

364. HazteOir.org, Spain

365. La Rosa Blanca (The White Rose), Spain

366. Khaima - Comitato di Solidarietà con il Popolo Saharawi, Italy

367. Asociación Solidaridad Jarrera con el Pueblo Saharaui- La Rioja, Spain

368. Društvo Ženska Svetovalnica (Women's Counselling Service), Slovenia

369. Gewerkschaft Unia Nordwestschweiz, Switzerland

370. League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development, Germany

371. Gävle Afrikagrupp (Gävle Africa Group), Sweden

372. Fundación de Estudios y Cooperación con el Pueblo Saharaui (Foundation for Studies and Cooperation with the Saharawi People), Spain

373. Asociación Cultural de Mujeres para el Bienestar Social "Kassandra" - ACUMBISKA (Cultural Association of Women for Social Well-Being "Kassandra"), Spain

374. Collectiu de Literatura "Pep Sempere" (Collective of Literature " Pep Sempere "), Spain

375. Ateneu Cultural - Mutxamel (Cultural Athenaeum Mutxamel), Spain

376. Netzwerk gegen Konzernherrschaft und neoliberale Politk (Network against corporate rule and neoliberal policy), Germany

377. UNISON, United Kingdom

378. Neue PdA, Sektion Basel der Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz, Switzerland

379. Zenski forum Socialnih demokratov (Women’s Forum of Social Democrats), Slovenia

380. ATEES Basilea - Asociación de trabajadores españoles emigrantes en Suiza (Association of Spanish Emigrant Workers in Switzerland), Switzerland

381. Travail et Culture (Work and Culture), France

382. Asociacion Pro Derechos Humanos de España (Association Pro Human Rights), Spain

383. Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía (SPA) (Trade Union of Journalists of Andalucia), Spain

384. Spire, Utviklingsfondets ungdom (Spire, The Norwegian Development Fund´s youth organization), Norway

385. Terre des femmes Stralsund, Germany

386. Frauenladen LiSa e.V., Germany

387. Fédération des Jeunes Verts (Federation of Young Greens), France

388. Fadel Ismail Onlus, Italy

389. Ayuntamiento de Valverde de Mérida, Spain

390. Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Catalonia’s Left Republican Party), Spain

391. Amics del Poble Sahrauí de Xàtiva (Friends of the Saharawi People of Xàtiva), Spain

392. SCI branche belge francophone (Service Civil International) , Belgium

393. Akalla Socialdemokratiska Förening, Styrelsen (Swedish Translation Services Unlimited), Sweden

394. Movimento de Utentes dos Serviços Públicos (MUSP), Portugal

395. Colonia Libera Italiana di Basilea (Free Italian Colony of Basel), Switzerland

396. Tolosaldea sahararekin sahara bizi GKE ( Support Committee for Western Sahara of Tolosaldea-Basque country), Spain

397. Association Talhaxirivella, Spain

398. JungsozialistInnen Schweiz, (Socialist Youth of Switzerland), Switzerland

399. One World Action, United Kingdom

400. Enfants Réfugiés du Monde, Pays de la Loire (Refugiees Children in the World - Pays de la Loire), France

401. Liberala Kvinnor (Liberal Women), Sweden

402. Nätverket för ett fritt Västsahara (Network for a free Western Sahara), Sweden

403. Södertälje Afrikagrupp (Africa Group of Södertälje), Sweden

404. Comité pour un Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste de Vienne (38), (New Anticapitalism Party comities of Vienne (38)), France

405. Uníon do Povo Galego UPG (Galician People’s Union UPG), Spain

406. Asociación Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui del Noroeste Región de Murcia, Spain

407. Izquierda Unida Moratalla, Spain

408. Comité pour un Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste de Givors (69), (New Anticapitalism Party comities of Givors), France

409. Korean House for International Solidarity (KHIS), Republic of Korea

410. Puchun Civil Union, Republic of Korea

411. Imagination for International Solidarity, Republic of Korea

412. Palestine Peace Solidarity, Republic of Korea

413. Kyungsan Chungdo city committee, Democratic Party, Republic of Korea

414. Ulsan Solidarity For Human Rights, Republic of Korea

415. Korea Federation for Environmental Movements (KFEM), Republic of Korea

416. VIF - Vänsterns internationella forum (Left International Forum), Sweden

417. Terre des hommes Schweiz (terre des hommes Switzerland), Switzerland

418. Los Verdes en Fuengirola, Spain

419. South African Communist Party, South Africa

420. ADS (Advanced Strategic Consulting), Spain

421. Young Communist League of SOuth Africa (YCLSA), South Africa

422. Genova e il Tigullio con il Popolo Sahrawi (Genova and Tigullio with the Sahrawi People), Italy

423. Medicus Mundi Catalunya, Spain

424. IEPALA (Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y Africa), Spain

425. Fundação AMI, Portugal

426. South African Human Rights Commission, South Africa

Post-Deadline Signatories (signed after December 5th 2008)

427. Parti Communiste français, section de Roussillon, France

428. Iniciativa per Catalunya Verd (left green party Catalunya), Spain

429. PCPE (Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España) (Communist Party of Peoples of Spain), Spain

430. Estudios Sin Fronteras (Studies without Borders), Spain

431. CPCCRD (Confederação Portuguesa das Colectividades de Cultura, Recreio e Desporto), Portugal

Swedish MPs demands stopping EU agreement with Morocco

Several Swedish parliamentarians from one of the parties in the Swedish government, have motioned that the Swedish Government should work to prevent the EU from signing any new agreements or agreements of advanced status with Morocco "as long as the country occupies Western Sahara".

In their motion 2008/09: U276 to Parliament, Mrs Agneta Berliner and her fellow liberal parliamentarians state that "Morocco is an occupying power. Since 1975 the country is occupying its neighbour Western Sahara and is conducting assaults on the Sahrawi people".

The Folkpartiet (fp) is part of the Swedish coalition government, and has for several years urged for the Sahrawi people's right to self-determinatino. The current Swedish minister for EU affairs, Mrs. Cecilia Malmström, is of the same party. She has earlier demanded that the government should recognize the Sahrawi Arabic Democratic Republic.

The 4 parliamentarians conclude that "it is an occupation that violates the principle of sovereignty and which has been condemned by the UN. According to a UN resolution a referendum should have taken place in 1992 in which the Saharawi people would take a stand on their country's future, but Morocco has still not allowed the vote to take place. Negotiations to obtain a change has basically stood still since 2004."

Despite this, the EU has over the years included, inter alia, association agreement with Morocco, which has benefited the country's economy which is dependent on the European market. Morocco's current
objective in its relations with the EU is to become an "advanced partner", which would further deepen cooperation between the Union and the kingdom both financially and security wise.

Reactions from the EU has notably come from Commissioner Benita Fererro-Waldner and French President Nicolas Sarkozy who have predicted that the proposed status to become a reality.

"If the EU accepts such a status on cooperation, we would further legitimize and finance the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. The current partnership agreement has apparently not made Morocco prepared to comply with international law. However, the EU has a key role to play to safeguard the right of the Sahrawi people to decide themselves about their future in accordance with international law. The EU should therefore condition any further agreements with Morocco so that the
occupation of Western Sahara ends", they write.

sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2008

The Liberal Party of Norway demands EU clarification

The Executive Board of The Liberal Party of Norway demands that Western Sahara be excluded from EU's cooperation with Morocco.

Below is an unofficial translation, made by Western Sahara Resource Watch, of a resolution from the Executive Board meeting of The Liberal Party of Norway, November 8th, 2008. See original (in Norwegian) here. The campaign referred to below is to be found on the homepages of Western Sahara Resource Watch. ELDR refers to the European Liberal Democrats.

The Liberal Party of Norway demands an independent Western Sahara!

The Liberal Party of Norway supports the campaign calling for Western Sahara being excluded from the cooperation between the EU and Morocco.

The territory on the north-western shores of Africa is occupied by Morocco. In 1991, a ceasefire was declared between the liberation group Polisario and Moroccan authorities, under the precondition that the people of Western Sahara were to vote whether it was supposed to be declared an independent state in 1992. This referendum has not yet been arranged and a large part of the people currently lives in refugee camps in Algeria.

Morocco is now about to be granted a so-called “Advanced Status” cooperation with the EU. But so far, the EU has not tried to prevent occupied Western Sahara from being included in the cooperation. The Liberal Party of Norway is very concerned for what consequences it could have for the Sahrawis and for their struggle for an independent Western Sahara if the occupied territories be included into the EU cooperation. Morocco’s Minister for Foreign Affairs has recently stated that the EU partnership will lead to Morocco getting international political support in the Western Sahara issue. It can also lead to Western Sahara’s economy being even further integrated into the Moroccan economy, through international commercial participation and possibly European aid arrangements.

The Liberal Party of Norway:

• Joins the campaign with the goal of having Western Sahara excluded from the so-called “Advanced Status” cooperation, which Morocco is about the be granted by the EU.

• Calls on the Norwegian government to put pressure on the EU to make sure that the occupied Western Sahara be kept outside of the EU-Moroccan cooperation.

• Calls on the ELDR to join the campaign.

"Estatuto avanzado" de Marruecos en la UE: el sarcasmo continúa

Francia quiere hacernos comulgar con ruedas de molino. Es comprensible que favorezcan a su protegida (Marruecos) pero es sarcástico que el ministro de soidaridad y asuntos sociales francés ponga como ejemplo a un país, Marruecos, donde se violan los derechos humanos en general, incluidos los derechos sociales.

El ministro francés de Trabajo, relaciones sociales, familia y solidaridad de Francia, Xavier Bertrand acaba de decir que:

"el estatuto avanzado otorgado a Marruecos es el signo de que apreciamos las reformas que se han emprendido: en materia de modernización de la economía, de derechos humanos y de buen gobierno, de modernización social... la Unión Europea está muy contenta de ver a Marruecos como pionero de la región sur del Mediterráneo".

Unos pocos datos recientes que todo un ministro francés de solidaridad seguro que conoce:

1. Una estudiante torturada en los sótanos de la plaza Jamaa el Fnaa de Marrakech.
Mientras los turistas alegremente dejan sus divisas para financiar a la tiranía alauita en la famosa plaza de Marrakech, debajo de la misma los esbirros del majzén recuerdan a los opositores que "democracia" y "derechos humanos" tienen un significado algo diferente en Marruecos.

2. Explotación laboral en Tánger de mujeres y niñas.

3. Sigue en pleno auge la práctica de autorizar el matrimonio con muchachas menores de edad. Pese a la hipocresía del majzén por las declaraciones del imán integrista Mohamed Al Maghraoui:

"El año pasado, (en Marruecos) los magistrados concedieron 33.560 autorizaciones a chicas menores de 18 años, el 87% de las solicitadas. 159 correspondieron a niñas de 14 años."

Que siga la fiesta.

quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2008

Comunicado de Imprensa

Organização Mundial de Solidariedade exige que um território ocupado seja excluído da cooperação europeia

4 de Novembro de 2008

As conversações para a concessão do chamado Estatuto Avançado a Marrocos estão prestes a concretizar-se. Se prosseguir com esta cooperação, a União Europeia poderá vir a violar o direito internacional.
A organização de solidariedade Observatório dos Recursos Naturais do Sara Ocidental (WSRW, sigla em inglês Western Sahara Resource Watch) exige que uma condição prévia para a concessão a Marrocos de um tal estatuto privilegiado seja que as partes ocupadas do Sara Ocidental fiquem especificamente excluídas da cooperação.
“Esperamos que o acordo saído das conversações sobre o Estatuto Avançado especifique claramente que a cooperação não se estenderá para sul da fronteira meridional internacionalmente reconhecida de Marrocos, com a latitude de 27º 40’ N”, declara uma carta que hoje foi enviada a Benita Ferrero-Waldner, a Comissária da UE para as Relações Exteriores.
Nenhuma precisão como esta foi feita até agora. O Conselho de Associação UE-Marrocos, reunido pela sétima vez a 13 de Outubro de 2008 no Luxemburgo, não faz menção da aplicabilidade territorial do acordo.
Marrocos continua a ocupar uma grande parte do Sara Ocidental, violando mais de 100 resoluções da ONU, que declaram que o povo do Sara Ocidental tem o direito à autodeterminação. A ONU trata o Sara Ocidental como uma questão de descolonização, e considerou o território como tendo sido ocupado e anexado. O Tribunal Internacional de Justiça rejeitou reivindicações infundadas de Marrocos sobre o território.
"É claro que, por força do direito internacional consuetudinário, a UE e os seus Estados membros têm o dever de não reconhecer a anexação ilegal do Sara Ocidental por Marrocos. O que a UE deve fazer é especificar claramente qual o território com que vai cooperar"- disse Sara Eyckmans, coordenadora do Observatório dos Recursos Naturais do Sara Ocidental, Bélgica.
Se a UE fizer tal precisão, estará a seguir o exemplo dos Estados Unidos da América, que excluiram especificamente o Sara Ocidental do seu acordo de comércio-livre com Marrocos.
"Se a cooperação UE-Marrocos não excluir claramente o território do Sara Ocidental, tal facto levará a um fortalecimento das reivindicações ilegais e infundadas de Marrocos sobre o seu país vizinho. A UE não deve apoiar uma ocupação brutal como esta", disse Eyckmans.
Marrocos pratica graves violações de direitos humanos contra os Saraouis que lutam pela autodeterminação do Sara Ocidental. Mais de 500 Saraouis foram vítimas de “desaparecimentos” desde que Marrocos invadiu o território em 1975.
WSRW é uma rede mundial, que tem como membros organizações em mais de 30 países e que trabalha para a protecção dos recursos naturais do povo Saraoui contra os interesses comerciais marroquinos e estrangeiros no Sara Ocidental ocupado.
Para mais informações, por favor contactar:

Pedro Pinto Leite, IPJET- Plataforma Internacional de Juristas por Timor-Leste, Coordenador da Associação Internacional de Juristas pelo Sara Ocidental na Holanda
Tel: +31-71-5221065
Email: ipjet2@gmail.com

John Gurr, coordenador da Western Sahara Campaign UK
Tel: (+ 44) (0) 845-458-9577
Email: wsc.cymru@tiscali.co.uk

Jan Strömdahl, coordenador da Swedish Western Sahara Association
Tel: (+ 46) 704-3888-41
Email: jan.stromdahl@politik.sll.se

Sara Eyckmans, WSRW Bélgica
Tel: (+ 32) (0)475-458695
Email: sara_eyckmans@yahoo.fr

Leia mais sobre o Observatório dos Recursos Naturais do Sara Ocidental em www.wsrw.org, saraocidentalonline.blogspot.com

Morocco launches homepage on Advanced Status

And it includes occupied Western Sahara as part of its own territory.

A new Moroccan webpage about the Advanced Status to the EU has now seen its light.

The homepage, www.statut-avance.com, was registered on the 22nd of October 2008, and was announced on the Moroccan ministry of information propaganda service, MAP, on November 4th.

It is not clear on the webpage who is behind it. But according to MAP, it could be the Moroccan government:

"Morocco has launched, on Tuesday, a website dedicated to the advanced status granted by the EU to Morocco in view of promoting this agreement as well as the reforms undertaken by the Kingdom", MAP wrote.

As far as Western Sahara Resource Watch understands, the EU has actually not yet granted any Advanced Status to Morocco, only stated their intention to do so.

The site further states that it is "meant to provide information on the status and pays a tribute to those who support Morocco’s endeavours", according to MAP.

moroccan_advanced_status_logo.jpgThe webpage mentions places within Western Sahara as being part of Morocco, such as the cities of Laayoune and Dakhla, which are quoted as being important ports for Moroccan processing of fish.

Even the small logo of the entire page carries a map of Morocco, including territories that are both under Moroccan occupation and Polisario control. See its logo on the right.

No countries in the world, including none of the EU states, recognise Western Sahara as being part of Morocco.

Controversial sister pages
The new page which according to MAP is launched by "Morocco" is affiliated to a number of obscure Moroccan propaganda sites which have appeared over the last two years. It is registered by the US based company www.DomainsByProxy.com, the same registrant as used by a number of other controversial Moroccan pages, discrediting the other party of the Western Sahara conflict, the liberation movement Polisario.

The US blogger Will Sommer has on his blog One Hump or Two uncovered how the Moroccan sites are all related through the same servers.

This is the case for anti-Polisario pages such as www.polisario-confidentiel.com, www.polisario-verdad.org, www.camps-sequestres.org, www.lavage-de-cerveau.com and www.rabouni.com. They all appear to have the same graphical designer and registered on the same server. They also produce and reproduce the same news, together with MAP. Also the now closed propaganda site www.speakforsaharawis.org, which claimed to be a voice for Sahrawis abused by Polisario, had the same registrant. Most of the news on these sites are inventions, mentioning events, organisations etc. that do not exist, and quoting people erroneously.

The interesting new development, is that MAP now admits that www.statut-avance.com, which is on the same registrant as the mentioned propaganda sites, is actually made by what can only be interpreted as the Moroccan government.

The new webpage on the Advanced Status does not mention what plans Morocco has to withdraw from the territory it illegally occupies. Morocco remains in Western Sahara, despite over 100 resolutions from the UN Security Council and General Assembly demanding right to self-determination for the people of Western Sahara to be implemented.

On 6th of November 1975, 33 years ago, Morocco entered its neighbouring country despite of the ruling of the International Court of Justice, which said Morocco has no legitimate claim over the territory. Read the full version of the 1975 opinion here.

A petition was launched by Western Sahara Resource Watch this week-end to demand from the EU Commission that the Advanced Status shall only cover Morocco as it is internationally recognised, and not to include occupied Western Sahara. After 4 days, 55 organisations have so far signed the petition. The petition, with all signatories, will be sent to the Commission on December 4th.

domingo, 2 de novembro de 2008

Marruecos: estatuto avanzado en la UE ¿cómo es posible?

El lunes, 13 de Outubro, se ha celebrado la 7ª Reunión del Consejo de Asociación Marruecos/Unión Europea. En esta reunión se ha acordado elevar las relaciones de la UE con Marruecos para atribuir al país norteafricano un "estatuto avanzado".

En términos muy sencillos, el "estatuto avanzado" implica tener una relación que no es la de un Estado miembro de la UE, pero es más importante que la que tienen los selectos Estados que mantienen un Acuerdo de Asociación. En otras palabras: el "estatuto avanzado" implica tener una relación privilegiada con la UE... sin tener que someterse a sus engorrosas exigencias en materia de democracia, respeto del Derecho y derechos humanos. Para un país como Marruecos, monarquía absoluta, donde reina la arbitrariedad y los derechos humanos son constante e impunemente violados es la situación ideal, sin duda.

Por ello, es lógico que Marruecos quiera tener este estatuto... pero ¿es lógico que la UE se lo otorgue?


Marruecos es una monarquía absoluta en la que el rey controla todo el poder político (ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial), el poder económico (es el primer propietario de bienes muebles e inmuebles en el país) y poder social (mediante la imposición de su carácter de "príncipe de los creyentes" que no resiste un mínimo análisis histórico y teológico).

¿Respeto al derecho?
Marruecos viola el Derecho Internacional. Ocupa ilegalmente el Sáhara Occidental. Reivindica territorios españoles terrestres y marítimos que no le corresponden. En cuanto al Derecho interno es notorio que todo es una farsa en manos del Majzén (el sistema construido alrededor del sultán marroquí).

¿Derechos humanos?
Marruecos viola cotidianamente los derechos humanos en el territorio ocupado del Sahara Occidental. No es "propaganda". Así lo afirma el Alto Comisariado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos.

Igualmente viola los derechos humanos de los propios "fieles súbditos" marroquíes. Sin ir más lejos, en junio de este año se produjo una brutal represión en Ifni por la que nadie, absolutamente nadie, ha respondido.
Y qué decir de los derechos humanos de los emigrantes, que son asesinados a tiros por la espalda o abandonados en el desierto para que mueran de sed....

Y por si fuera poco, Marruecos se dedica a espiar a los países de la UE y a corromper a sus políticos. Recientemente se ha descubierto una red de espionaje marroquí en Holanda, con una amplia red de agentes reclutada entre los emigrantes marroquíes.

Igualmente se ha revelado la trama que organiza el embajador marroquí en Francia para corromper a los mismísimos legisladores galos.

Y sin embargo, leemos cosas como éstas:
- portavoz de Exteriores francés:
"Marruecos ha hecho muchos esfuerzos... especialmente en materia de derechos humanos y buen gobierno".

- Moratinos:
"es un gran día para Europa, para Marruecos y para España"

- Benita Ferrero-Waldner (comisario de asuntos exteriores de la UE y gran, grandísima amiga del majzén):
"la experiencia marroquí podría incitar a los demás países a seguir la misma vía" (¿cuál? ¿la de asesinar emigrantes, ocupar países vecinos y establecer una monarquía absoluta?)



We, the signatories of this petition, demand that the European Union do not grant a so-called Advanced Status to Morocco, unless the occupied part of Western Sahara is specifically excluded from the agreement.

The EU and Morocco are currently in discussion on deepening their ties through this cooperation but, so far, there has been no mentioning in the reports from the EU-Morocco talks as to what is being done to prevent occupied Western Sahara from being included into the cooperation agreement.

If the EU would actually grant Advanced Status to occupied Western Sahara, through its negotiations with Morocco as the occupying power, it will give an unfortunate sign of support to the unfounded Moroccan claims over the territory. It could also lead to the EU damaging the UN’s efforts to decolonise the territory.

We would like to underline that Morocco continues to be an illegally occupying power in Western Sahara, in violation of over 100 UN Resolutions which call for the Western Sahara’s people’s right to self-determination. A number of Resolutions point to the fact that Western Sahara is an occupied and annexed territory. Furthermore, the International Court of Justice has rejected Morocco's claims over Western Sahara, and the UN considers the Western Sahara case as a decolonisation issue.

Under international customary law, the EU and its member states have a duty of non-recognition of the Moroccan annexation of Western Sahara, and to support the decolonisation of the territory. It is also a moral obligation, as long as the Sahrawi people suffer either in exile or under severe human rights violations committed by the Moroccan forces in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The EU should therefore make sure that Western Sahara is unambiguously excluded from the territorial applicability of the Advanced Status cooperation, without delegating this responsibility to Morocco itself.

If the EU was to make such a precision, it would follow for instance the USA, who in their free trade agreement with Morocco have specifically excluded Western Sahara. It would also follow its own example of excluding the Palestinian territories from the EU-Israel Association Agreement. We urge the EU to follow these precedents and support the UN peace process by respecting its duty of non-recognition.

We, the signatories of this petition, are in principle not against a strengthened cooperation between the EU and Morocco. However, we demand that the agreement coming out of the Advanced Status talks will clearly specify that its applicability shall not extend further south than to Morocco’s internationally recognised southern border, namely 27°40’N.

Sincerly yours,


Urgent campaign calls on European Union to exclude Western Sahara from Moroccan-EU partnership. Have your organisation sign here.

This petition below advocating the exclusion of Western Sahara from the Advanced Status talks and ensuing agreement, was opened 1 November 2008.

Only organisations can sign.

Those who would like to join are invited to contact Sara Eyckmans on advancedstatus@wsrw.org

Please provide her with:

1) the name of your organisation (in local language, and possibly English translation of organisation name)

2) the home country of your organisation

3) name and contact details of the person signing on behalf of your organisation.

Thank you for helping to find as many organisations as possible.

Deadline for signing up: 3 December 2008, 16.00 PM (GMT). The petition will be sent to the European Commission the following day.